Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who recently tasted success with the release of the film ‘Animal,’ is now facing legal action over his Christmas celebration video with his family. In the video, Ranbir, along with Alia, introduced their daughter Raha to the public for the first time. However, the video, where Ranbir is seen cutting a cake with ‘Jai Mata Di’ chants and pouring alcohol, has sparked controversy. Allegations have been made against Ranbir, and a complaint has been registered at a Mumbai police station. Although no FIR has been filed in the matter yet, the controversy has stirred discussions on social media, with many criticizing Kapoor’s actions.
Sanjay Tiwari, who lodged the complaint at Ghatkopar police station with the assistance of his legal representatives Ashish Rai and Pankaj Mishra, asserts that the video in question depicts Ranbir Kapoor pouring alcohol on a cake and igniting it, all while uttering the phrase “Jai Mata Di.”
A user is making derogatory comments about Ranbir Kapoor on social media.
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