Bollywood actor and producer Arbaaz Khan, along with his makeup artist wife Shura Khan, returned to Mumbai on the night of January 5th after celebrating their honeymoon. The couple had ventured outside the city for their honeymoon festivities following their wedding in late December. A video of the duo at the airport surfaced, capturing them holding hands and sharing affectionate glances.
Arbaaz Khan had recently tied the knot with Shura Khan on December 24, 2023, after parting ways with Malaika Arora. The wedding ceremony took place at Shura’s sister Arpita’s residence, attended by family members and close friends. Arbaaz had proposed to Shura just five days before the wedding, a moment shared by Shweta on her Instagram.
The public’s reactions to Arbaaz and Shura’s appearance at the airport were varied. Some praised Shura’s youthful appearance, comparing her to a daughter rather than a wife. Others questioned when she would officially become a wife. Comments like “She looks more like a sister or daughter than a wife” and “The wife doesn’t seem to age” were common.
In a recent Instagram story, Shura shared a video post from the airport, where Arbaaz playfully pulled her along while holding a guitar. The couple appeared cheerful, though the details of their relationship and the developments since their wedding remain private.
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