Bollywood actress Rakul Preet Singh and producer Jackie Bhagnani are set to embark on the journey of marriage. According to reports, the couple will exchange vows in Goa on February 22nd this year. The wedding ceremony will be an intimate affair, attended only by close family members and friends.
While there is limited information about Rakul’s family’s stance on the marriage, further details about the wedding ceremony are yet to be revealed.
Jackie celebrated his bachelor party in Bangkok, enjoying some time off amid the wedding preparations. Rakul, on the other hand, is currently on vacation in Thailand.
Rakul and Jackie’s love story began about two years ago, initiated through mutual friends. After a period of friendship, they started dating and have been enjoying each other’s company ever since. Rakul confirmed their relationship in 2022 with a romantic post on her birthday, expressing gratitude for Jackie, and considering him the biggest gift of that year.
About Rakul Preet Singh:
Born on October 10, 1990, in New Delhi to a Punjabi Sikh family, Rakul aspired to become an actress from a young age. Starting her career as a model at 18, she entered the Kannada film industry in 2009 with the movie ‘Gilli.’ Her Bollywood debut was in 2014 with the film ‘Yaariyan.’ Rakul has worked in Kannada, Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu films, accumulating a filmography of 41 movies to date. She is set to appear in the upcoming film ‘Indian 2’ alongside Kamal Haasan.